The HR module offers all the functionalities required to manage the human resources in a company. These functions are grouped in the sections Administration, Payrolls and Recruitment.
- gestionare Departamente
- gestionare Documente
- gestionare Sporuri
- gestionare Criterii de Evaluare
- gestionare Functii
- search by name or code
- configure superior position
- gestionare Sabloane
Employee Administration
- angajati
- afisare lista angajati
- cautare angajat
- sortare lista angajati
- adaugare angajat
- Edit employee
- General information
- Address
- Skills
- Characteristics
- Contract details
- Fostered persons
- Co-insured persons
- Children
- Modifications
- Planned modifications
- Increases
- Contract suspension
- Health checks
- Display Evaluations
- Contract terminations
- Generating documents
- Reactivation of suspended or terminated employee
- Import employees data
- Organisational chart
- Display organisational chart by positions
- Display organisational chart by departments
- Evaluations
- Display employee's evaluations
- Human Resources reports
- Employees situation
- Fixed period contracts report
- Employees evaluations report
- Contracts suspensions reports
- Deductions
- Birthdays
- Holidays
- Children
- Expenses for Employees
- Monthly activities
- Recruitments
- Contracts in current month
- Clocking
- Display employees list for clocking month
- Search and sort employees list
- Edit Clocking for another employee
- One-click Clocking fill out
- Completare ore pontaj sau selectare tip pontare
- Display information about current clocking
- Clocking requests and approvals
- Import Clocking from csv
- Open/close Clocking month
- Advance
- Display employees list for Advance month
- Search and sort employees list
- Calculate advance for all employees
- Edit advance value for employees
- Rapoarte de avansStat plata avans
- Bank file
- Cash file
- Import advance from csv
- Open/close advance month
- Clearance
- Employees list
- Display employees list for Clearance month
- Search and sort employees list
- Calculate Clearance for all employees
- Generate Payroll report
- Edit bonus value for employees
- Preview employee data from Payroll report
- Deductions
- Display employees list for Clearance month
- Add deductions for employee
- Reports
- Payroll report
- Payroll receipts
- Clocking list
- Clocking detailed list
- External employees report
- Bank file
- Cash file
- Medical Leave
- Display employees list for Clearance month
- Add Medical leave for employee
- Add contribution stage for employee
- Medical Leave reports
- Generate company monthly declarations
- Import bonus from csv
- Open/close Clearance month
- Download monthly employees file
- Simulator for payroll calculation
- Portal for employees access to personal and specific information
- Fill out personal clocking
- Approve clocking for subordinates
- View Evaluation results
- Manage evaluations for subordinates
- Manage work tasks
- Access the internal Documents
- Manage Vacancies
- Geo-coding vacancies
- Manage candidates
- Load CV from PDF file
- View CV
- Associate candidates to vacancies
- Recruitment reports